Pinus ponderosa male cones (Lohr) Horticulture 232 - Landscape Plant Materials II

This course has been replaced by Hort 330.

Characteristics, identification, growth, ecology, selection, and use of landscape plants, including conifers, evergreens, interior plants, herbaceous perennials, and flowering woody plants. 
Prerequisites: None.  Introductory plant science, e.g. Biology 120 or Hort 202, is recommended.
Hort 231 is NOT a prerequisite for Hort 232. Hort. 231 and 232 do not need to be taken in order.

PLANT LISTS (list of all plants taught):
  1. Needled Conifers
  2. Needled Conifers (continued)
  3. Scale-leaved Conifers
  4. Interior Plants
  5. Interior Plants (continued)
  6. Broad-leaved Evergreens
  7. Bulbs and Other Storage Structures
  8. Grasses & Evergreen Herbaceous Perennials
  9. Non-evergreen Herbaceous Perennials
  10. Spring Flowering Trees and Shrubs

Students will become familiar with many native and exotic woody and herbaceous landscape plant used in interior and exterior landscapes. They will understand many of the factors that are involved in successful plant selection and use. They should gain an appreciation for the dynamic nature of plants and the complexities involved in landscape plant usage.
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the semester, students will be able to: LECTURE TOPIC OVERVIEW:
Selected plant families: Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxaceae, Ericaeae, and Rosaceae.
Plant uses: windbreak and air quality.
Environmental factors: light, acclimatization, soil pH, water, and invasive plants.
Gardening categories: bulbs, native plants, and flowering trees and shrubs.

10% - Class/lab work and participation (number to be determined; 2 lowest class scores dropped)
15% - Homework ( 6 assignments; no scores dropped)
25% - Class exams and finals-week exam ( 3 exams; lowest score dropped)
15% - Lab ID comprehensive quizzes ( 10 quizzes; 2 lowest scores dropped)
15% - Lab ID midterm exam
20% - Lab ID final exam - You must earn above 60% on this exam to pass the course!

Grades will be assigned as follows, assuming you earn above 60% on the final ID exam.
93% or more = A
77-79.9% = C+
90–92.9% = A-
= C
= B+
70-72.9% = C-
= B
67-69.9% = D+
80-82.9% = B-
63-66.9% = D

0-62.9% (or below 60% on final ID exam) = F
Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. It may be turned in late, but you will lose 1% of the possible points for every day (including weekends) past the due date, unless stated otherwise on the assignment instructions.  You will receive no comments or explanations for your grade on late homework.  The last day to turn in late homework assignments is the last class day. Class/lab work assignments or quizzes may NOT be turned in late or made up.  Your two lowest scores will be dropped.

No make-up exams or ID quizzes will be given, because this involves too much extra work for the instructors (work to prepare an alternate, to grade an alternate, and to decide if your explanation for missing is legitimate). The reason that the low scores on exams and quizzes are dropped is to keep you from being unduly penalized for unforeseen circumstances, such as a death in the family, a court appearance, or a faulty alarm clock.  If you miss an exam or quiz, you will receive a zero, unless there are extenuating circumstances AND the instructor agrees to an alternative arrangement.


You are expected to be a positive, contributing member of the class. Much of the work will be done in groups, so you must act in a manner that helps you and others learn.  Come to class prepared.  Assist other students when you can.  Do o not disrupt or prevent learning by others, for example by talking during presentations. Students who do not meet these expectations may be expelled from a class or lab period or from the entire course.

    You are expected to check the class web site regularly for grades and updated information. 

    Regular attendance and participation are essential to doing well in this course. The material to be learned depends heavily on presentations and activities in class and lab. There are no good alternative sources of materials for much of the information covered.  If you miss a class, find out what you missed by asking a classmate.  Obtain any handouts from the instructors.  Do the assigned reading for the class topic and review notes from another student.  If anything is unclear, then ask the instructors to help you.

    For lab, bring your Plant ID Cards each class.  Be prepared to go outside, regardless of weather!   Be prepared to walk rapidly on wet, muddy, or slippery surfaces. Participation includes being ready for the weather, so that you can think and talk about class topics and not about how cold or wet you are. 

    Use electronic devices wisely.  Computers, tablets, or other electronic devices may be used for taking notes.  Any other use must be approved by the instructor.  Turn ringers and noise generators off.  Phones may not be used in class or lab.

    Integrity: You are on your honor to participate in this class as your own representative and not to pass the work of others off as your own. Academic dishonesty, in any form, including copying from other students on quizzes or copying from books or web pages on assignments, is unacceptable. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero on the involved quiz, exam, or assignment. If we suspect you are cheating, we may assign a zero or we may choose to give you an opportunity to repeat the activity under conditions of our choosing.  Clear violations will be reported to your Department and to the Office of Student Standards and Accountability.

Reasonable accommodations, approved through the WSU Access Center (335-3417), are available for students who have a documented different ability. Notify the instructor if you need accommodations.

“Washington State University is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its faculty, staff, and students. Safety is the responsibility of every member of the campus community and individuals should know the appropriate actions to take when an emergency arises.”  Please become familiar with: WSU Pullman Campus Safety Plan and WSU Emergency Management. Also be sure you have supplied safety alert information at: WSU Alert.

Safety will be enforced in this class.  For example, you may be dismissed from lab if you throw objects such as pine cones or snow balls on lab walks.  I once had to take a student to the emergency room, and I don’t want to do it ever again!
Class Policy Violations: Any violations of class policies or instructors’ instructions could result in losing privileges, such as the use of a computer to take notes, or could result in being banned from specific classes or labs or expelled from the entire course.

Syllabus Changes:
All information in this syllabus, on the class web site, and in class handouts is assumed to be correct, but is subject to change if something unexpected occurs.  Changes will be presented in class, on the class web sites, and/or in class handouts.

 INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Virginia Lohr;

    Department of Horticulture
    Washington State University
    Pullman, Washington 99164-6414 U.S.A.
    WSU's Disclaimer & Freedom of Expression Policy
    Page updated June 28, 2016