Horticulture 330 - Landscape Plants for Urban & Community Environments Fall 2016 |
Replaces Hort 231 + 232 |
description: 3 (2-3) Plants for solving
problems in human-dominated landscapes: their
characteristics, functions such as storm water
management and climate change mitigation, ecology,
identification, and selection. Recommended preparation:
BIOLOGY 120 or HORT 202
MW 12:10-1 PM in Vogel 43 Lab:
TTh 9:10-10:25 AM in Vogel 43 |
Learn to identify
& use plants for:
Expanded course description: |
environmental, ecological, and human health impacts of
increasing urbanization, globalization, and climate change
are growing. Impacts include increases in the rate
of introduction of invasive plants and pests, the rising
urban heat-island effect, the need for local food
production, and increases in human deaths associated with
reduced air quality. Landscape plants can be used in
human-dominated landscapes to mitigate or adapt to some of
these impacts. This course focuses on understanding
environmental and human health impacts in areas of
concentrated populations and on how groups of plants,
based on their characteristics, could be used in
human-dominated landscapes to moderate these issues. |
60% of the class focuses on understanding environmental and
health problems associated with living in human-dominated
landscapes and the uses or functions of landscape plants to
solve, reduce, or mitigate these problems. Topics for this
portion of the class will include urban heat-island effect,
energy use, loss of genetic diversity, storm water
management, risks to native plants and animals (including
insects), and rising human deaths associated with poor air
quality and increased stress. Students will also
research additional, current topics. About 40% of the class focuses on learning to select and identify landscape plants for these functions. For example, we will look at effective plant choices for green roofs and walls, temperature mitigation, edible landscapes, and improved human health. For selected labs, students will have input into plant choices for additional functions based on their research. |
A total of 1200 points will be assigned as shown
below. Scores will be posted on Blackboard. 224 (19%) - Participation: 16 points per
week (12 points during weeks with a holiday),
based on level and quality of participation, including
attendance, discussion, in and out of class activities,
and pop quizzes. A total of 232 points will be
possible; the extra 8 points allow for two absences
without penalty and will be extra credit for those with
full participation.
300 (25%) - Homework: 5 written and oral assignments; 50 or 75 points each; no scores dropped 1. Find
additional problems in urban and community
environments (50 pts)
200 (17%) - Class exams
(on class topics and assigned readings; not cumulative)
and finals week exam (cumulative): 3 exams; 100 points
each; lowest dropped.2. Select functional plants for a parking strips (“hell strips”) (75 pts) 3. Find and review a scientific article on a selected urban or community problem (75 pts) 4. Find and review a scientific article on climate change and a class topic (50 pts) 5. Select plants for mitigating a selected urban or community problem (pdf version) (docx version)(50 pts) 256 (21%) - Lab identification quizzes (cumulative): 10 quizzes; 32 points each (8 plants at 4 points each); 2 lowest dropped; always in lab Tuesday after List is introduced. 100 (8%) - Lab ID midterm exam (cumulative): 25 plants at 4 points each; required. 120 (10%) - Lab ID final exam (cumulative): 30 plants at 4 points each; required. |
Midterm Grades: assigned based on percent of points possible two to five days before grades are due. Final Grades: assigned using 93% for A, 90% for A-, 87% for B+, etc., which equates to the following point distribution: A
A- 1080-1115 B+ 1044-1079 B 996-1043 B- 960-995 C+ 924-959 C 876-923 C- 840-875 D+ 804-869 D 720-803 F 0-719 |
Integrity: You are
on your honor to participate in this class as your own
representative. Academic dishonesty, in any form,
including copying from others on quizzes or copying from the
web on assignments, is unacceptable. If you are caught
cheating, you will receive a zero on the involved activity
and be reported to the Office of Student Standards &
Accountability. If you are caught violating the
Standard for Student Conduct WAC 540-260010 (3) more than
once, you will receive and F in the class and be reported to
the Office of Student Standards & Accountability.
If you are suspected of cheating, I may assign a zero or
have you redo the activity under conditions of my choosing.
Late Work: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. They may be turned in late, but you will lose 1 point for every day (including weekends) past the due date, unless stated otherwise on the homework instructions. You will receive no comments or explanations for your grade on late work. The last chance to turn in late homework is during the final class exam. Make-Up Scores, Exams & Quizzes: You are expected to attend all classes and labs. No make-up for class or lab participation, class or finals week exams, lab ID quizzes, or lab ID exams will be given. If you miss any of these, you will receive a zero for your score. A specified number (see above) of low scores for exams and quizzes are dropped to keep you from being unduly penalized for missing class for unforeseen circumstances, such as an illness, death in the family, court appearance, or faulty alarm. You do not need to provide an excuse. If there are extreme, extenuating circumstances (such as being in the hospital for 3 weeks), I may agree to an alternative arrangement or to assigning an incomplete. |
You are expected to be a
positive, contributing member of the class.
Much work will be done in groups, so you must act in a
manner that helps you and others learn. Come to class
prepared. Assist others when you can. Don’t
disrupt learning by others, for example by talking during
presentations. Regular attendance and participation are essential to doing well in this course. The material to be learned depends heavily on presentations and activities in class and lab. There are no good alternative sources of materials for much of the information covered. Check Blackboard for information and assignments. Be prepared to go outside during lab, regardless of weather! Be prepared to walk rapidly on wet, muddy, or slippery surfaces. Participation includes being ready for the weather, so that you can think and talk about class topics and not about how cold or wet you are. If you miss a class, ask other students what you missed. Obtain any handouts on Blackboard. Do the assigned reading and review notes from another student. If anything is still unclear, ask the instructor. Use electronic devices wisely. Computers, tablets, and other electronic devices may be used for taking notes. Other uses must be approved by the instructor. Turn noise generators (e.g. ringers) off. Check your student e-mail! New WSU policy: All official WSU email communication (including info about this class) must be sent to a student’s WSU email address, beginning Aug. 24, 2015. Safety: “Washington State University is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its faculty, staff, and students. Safety is the responsibility of every member of the campus community and individuals should know the appropriate actions to take when an emergency arises. In support of our commitment to the safety of the campus community the University has developed a Campus Safety Plan. It is highly recommended that you visit this web site as well as the University emergency management web site to become familiar with the information provided.” Safety will be enforced in this class. For example, you may be dismissed from lab if you throw objects such as pine cones or snow balls on lab walks. I once had to take a student to the emergency room, and I don’t want to do it ever again! |
Reasonable Accommodations:
“Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a
documented disability. If you have a disability and need
accommodations to fully participate in this class, please
either visit or call the Access Center (Washington Building
217; 509-335-3417) to schedule an appointment with an Access
Advisor. All accommodations MUST be approved through the
Access Center.” Syllabus Changes: Information in the syllabus and in class handouts is assumed to be correct, but could change if something unexpected occurs. Changes will be presented in class, on Blackboard, and/or in class handouts. Class Policy Violations: Any violations of class policies or instructors’ instructions could result in losing privileges, such as the use of a computer to take notes, or could result in being banned from specific classes or labs or expelled from the entire course |
are no required books for this course. Material will
be provided through Blackboard,
in class, or found by students, based on assigned
work. Check Blackboard
for assigned readings. |
WSU Learning Goal: | Outcome - By the end
of the semester, you will be able to: |
Activity to advance
learning goal: |
Evaluation of
proficiency: |
1. Critical & creative thinking | Select plants
to solve different environmental or human health
problems, including climate change, and justify the
selection |
readings, and discussions |
Homework; Exams |
2. Quantitative
reasoning |
graphical information on environmental and human health
issues associated with human-dominated landscapes and
the role of plants in mitigating the issues |
readings, and discussions |
Homework; Exams; Quizzes |
3. Scientific literacy |
Describe the
biological basis for plant responses to environmental
factors that affect their ability to function
effectively in human-dominated landscapes |
Lectures, lab
activities, readings, and discussions |
Homework; Exams; Quizzes |
4. Information
literacy |
Find and
evaluate different resources on plants and environmental
and human health issues associated with human-dominated
landscapes |
discussions and homework |
Homework |
5. Communication
skills |
(orally and in writing) functional uses of landscape
plants to solve selected environmental and human health
issues associated with human-dominated landscapes |
discussions, lab activities, and homework |
Homework; Exams; Quizzes |
6. Diversity |
Recognize and
compare the values of working effectively alone and in
groups |
Class and lab
activities |
Participation |
7. Depth of learning |
awareness of the ways that landscape plants can be used
to solve environmental and human health issues
associated with human-dominated landscapes |
discussions, lab activities, and homework |
Homework; Exams; Quizzes |
(Subject to change as presented in class, on the class web site, or on Blackboard) |
WEEK | Class
(M/W) |
(T/Th) |
quiz, or exam |
1 | Introduction; Preparation for
selected urban and community topic selection; Selecting plants; Environmental problems in human-dominated landscapes |
Introduction; Scientific
names; Morphology |
Syllabus quiz |
2 |
Human health problems
mitigated by landscape plants; Homework 1; Pollution and human health |
1: Pollution reduction |
Lab quiz 0 (Tues.) Homework 1 (Wed.) |
3 |
Holiday; Plants for pollinators and wildlife |
2: Pollinators and wildlife |
Lab quiz 1 (Tues.) |
4 |
Storm water management |
3: Storm water management |
Lab quiz 2 (Tues.) |
5 | Presentation of Homework 2; Urban food production |
4: Edible landscapes |
Homework 2 (Mon.) Lab quiz 3 (Tues.) |
6 |
Class exam preparation or
catch-up; Exam |
5: Parking strips |
Lab quiz 4 (Tues.) Class exam 1 (Wed.) |
7 |
Benefits of green roofs and
walls |
6 Green roofs and walls |
Lab quiz 5 (Tues.) |
8 |
Presentation of Homework 3; Loss of biodiversity and genetic diversity |
Lab midterm ID review |
Homework 3 (Mon.) Lab quiz 6 (Tues.) |
9 |
ID Review; Plants and human stress |
Lab midterm ID exam |
ID exam (Tues. & Thurs.) |
10 |
Urban heat-island effects; Presentation of Homework 4 |
7: Cooling |
Homework 4 (Wed.) |
11 |
Windbreaks and energy use |
8: Windbreaks |
Lab quiz 7 (Tues.) |
12 |
Presentation of Homework 5; Water in plants;
Holiday |
9: Water conservation |
Homework 5 (Mon.) Lab quiz 8 (Tues.) |
13 |
Invasive plants |
10: Selected problems |
Lab quiz 9 (Tues.) |
14 |
Class exam preparation or catch-up; Exam |
Lab exam ID review |
Lab quiz 10 (Tues.) Class exam 2 (Wed.) |
15 |
ID Review; Class summary and conclusions |
Final lab ID exam |
ID exam (Tues. & Thurs.) |
Exam |
Finals Week |
Class exam 3 |
Nicholson, 360-460-6271 or 509-335-6586, klnicholson@wsu.edu |
of Horticulture Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99164-6414 U.S.A. WSU's Disclaimer & Freedom of Expression Policy Page updated June 28, 2016 |