Viburnum spp.

Table 1: Plants taught in Hort 231 (burkwoodii, carlesii, dentatum, farreri, lantana, opulus americanum, plicatum, rhytidophyllum)
Table 2: Other viburnums (carlcephalum, davidii, ellipticum, lentago, opulus opulus, pragense, rhytidophylloides, setigerum, sieboldii, tinus)
All photos by Virginia I. Lohr;  scale in photos in not consistent.
Table 1.  Viburnums taught in Hort 231, Dept. of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Washington State University.
Name (Hort 231 plants)
Leaves (Upper and lower surfaces)
Flower bud
Leaf bud
Viburnum ×burkwoodii
Burkwood viburnum
Viburnum x burkwoodii leaves
Burkwood viburnum flower buds (Lohr)
Naked bud
Burkwood viburnum leaf bud (V. Lohr)
Viburnum carlesii
Koreanspice viburnum

              carlesii leaves (Lohr) Koreanspice viburnum flower buds (Lohr)
Naked bud
Koreanspice viburnum leaf bud (Lohr)
Viburnum dentatum
Arrowwood viburnum

Viburnum dentatum leaves (Lohr) Viburnum dentatum flower bud (V.I. Lohr)
Overlapping bud scale pairs
Viburnum dentatum lateral buds (V. Lohr)
Viburnum farreri
Fragrant viburnum
Viburnum farreri leaves
              (Lohr) Fragrant viburnum flower buds (V.I. Lohr)
Two or three bud scale pairs
Fragrant viburnum leaf buds (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum lantana
Wayfaringtree viburnum
Viburnum lantana leaves (Lohr)
Viburnum lantana flower buds (Lohr)
Nearly naked bud
Wayfaringtree viburnum leaf bud (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum opulus var. americanum
American cranberrybush
Viburnum opulus
              var. americanum leaves (Lohr) American cranberrybush lateral and
              terminal buds (V. Lohr)
Two bud scale pairs
(only 1 pair is visible in winter
American cranberrybush leaf bud (V. Lohr)
Viburnum plicatum
Doublefile viburnum
Viburnum plicatum leaves
              showing different numbers of veins (V.I. Lohr) Doublefile viburnum flower bud (Lohr)
Partially naked bud;  non-overlapping
bud scale pairs
Doublefile viburnum leaf bud (V.I. Lohr)
Two bud scales
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Leatherleaf viburnum
              rhytidophyllum leaves (Lohr) Leatherleaf viburnum flower buds (Lohr)
Naked bud
Leatherleaf viburnum leaf bud (V.I. Lohr)

Table 2.  Additional viburnums; not taught in Hort 231
Name (not Hort 231 plants)
Leaves (Upper and lower surfaces)
Flower bud
Leaf bud
Viburnum ×carlcephalum
Fragrant snowball viburnum
Viburnum x carlcephalum leaves (V. Lohr)
Viburnum x carlcephalum flower buds (V.I. Lohr)
Naked bud
              snowball viburnum vegetative bud (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum davidii
David viburnum
Viburnum davidii leaves
              (V. Lohr)
Viburnum davidii flower bud (V. Lohr)
One bud scale pair
Viburnum davidii vegetative bud (V.I.
Viburnum ellipticum
Common viburnum or
Western viburnum

Leaves of Viburnum
              ellipticum (V.I. Lohr)
                ellipticum bud (V.I. Lohr)
Overlapping bud scale pairs

Viburnum lentago
Nannyberry viburnum
Viburnum lentago leaves (V. Lohr) Viburnum lentago flower bud (V.I. Lohr)
One bud scale pair
Viburnum lentago vegetative bud (V.I.
Viburnum opulus var. opulus
European cranberrybush
Viburnum opulus var. opulus leaves (V. Lohr)
Flower buds of European cranberrybush (V.I. Lohr)
Two bud scale pairs
(only 1 pair is visible in winter
Viburnum opulus var. opulus
              vegetative buds (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum ×pragense
Prague viburnum

Prague viburnum leaves
              (V.I. Lohr)
Prague virburnum
              flower buds (V.I. Lohr)
Naked bud
Prague viburnum vegetative bud (V.I.
Viburnum ×rhytidophylloides
Lantanaphyllum viburnum
Lantanaphyllum viburnum leaves (V.I. Lohr)
Lantanaphyllum viburnum flower buds
                (V.I. Lohr)
Naked bud
Lantanaphyllum viburnum vegetative
              bud (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum setigerum
Tea viburnum

Tea viburnum leaves
              (V.I. Lohr)
Tea viburnum bud
              (V.I. Lohr)
Two bud scale pairs

Viburnum sieboldii
Siebold viburnum
Viburnum sieboldii
              leaves (Lohr)
Viburnum sieboldii bud
              (V.I. Lohr)
Overlapping bud scale pairs
Viburnum seiboldii vegetative buds
              (V.I. Lohr)
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus leaves (V.
              Lohr) Flower buds on Viburnum tinus (V.I. Lohr)
Appear naked
(One bud scale pair)

Return to Hort 231 or to Plant List 2

Virginia Lohr, Professor, E-mail:
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164-6414 U.S.A.
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Page updated May 2, 2013